Tuesday 4 December 2012

Israel enacts pay back time and spits the dummy.

It was disturbing to see the Israeli government spokesman on television spit the dummy and behave like a spoilt little child over the United Nations vote granting Observer Status to the Palestinians. He said it in a stupid tantrum, that the decision to build another 3,000 residencies in Palestinian Jerusalem and the West Bank was payback for the United Nations granting the observer status to Palestine. They will also withhold over a hundred million dollars in taxes that belong to the Palestinians. All because the United Nations agreed with the Palestinians on a vote and against Israel. At last the rest of the world is starting to stand up and be counted over the illegal actions of this rogue middle eastern state, Israel. Many European countries including the United Kingdom and Germany have expressed their displeasure and regret at the Israeli actions and have called those actions counterproductive in the search for a lasting peace in the middle east. They have hinted that further actions may be forthcoming if this Israeli action continues. It puts paid to the Israeli lie that it is seeking a peaceful solution to the Palestinian solution. Israel does not want peace and wants to annex all of the West Bank for itself. If it really wanted a lasting peace and a two state solution between Israel and Palestine, it would stop illegally stealing Palestinian land, murdering Palestinian citizens and withholding money payed by Palestinians as taxes to Israel. Please feel free to make any comment on this blog.

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